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Investment, Industry trends, Business opportunity | 5 min read

Bike park vs. Trampoline park?

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Bike parks and trampoline parks are increasingly popular with people who enjoy sports and like to have fun. Both offer a fair dose of adrenaline and fun and are therefore excellent forms of relaxation. Bike parks and trampoline parks are nevertheless very different in design, equipment, what they offer, difficulty of maintenance and many other things besides.


If you are considering investing in a bike or trampoline park it is by all means good to know the differences between them. On this basis it will certainly be easier for you to make the right decision.

1. Spatial requirements

Trampoline parks

Both the construction of a bike park and a trampoline park demand the fulfilment of certain spatial demands. In the case of a trampoline park, all the documentation is mainly focused on obtaining a building and use permit. If, however, you intend to use an old building that is already standing then you will need even less documentation.

Bike parks

Bike parks, on the other hand, are usually located in the natural environment and are most often supplemental activities for ski slopes so you will need a fair number of approvals for the use of land. First of all it is necessary to check who owns the land on which the bike park will be built and also obtain approval from the forestry authorities. Building a bike park means making a serious interference in the natural environment, so it is necessary to strive for preservation of the natural balance.


2. Design

Trampoline parks

We cannot say that you will have less work in designing a trampoline park. If you want to create an attractive trampoline park you will certainly have to pay special attention to its design. However, the modular design of trampoline parks makes it much easier and gives you a lot of freedom. The modular design means you can constantly adapt to the current demand and interest of visitors, which is a further guarantee for its successful operation.

Bike parks

On the other hand, the design of a bike park depends very much on the natural configuration of the terrain so it is much more complex. Once the bike park has been built, it is difficult to change and would demand a further large investment. It is not only the gradient and how dense the forest is that must be taken into account, but also the composition of the soil, the type of rock and many other things. To ensure the undisturbed operation of the bike park it must be located in the vicinity of cableway facilities, which means these must be built if they are not yet near by. And you must not forget climatic factors. This means you must ensure suitable drainage which will prevent mud and water from accumulating in the bike park.


3. Offer

Trampoline parks

Trampoline parks are known also for the fact that visitors can have fun in them practically all year round, regardless of the season, temperature or weather. With some additional infrastructure they can also offer other activities, for example they can host congresses, birthday parties and team-building activities. By including digital effects, a trampoline park always offers something that is in line with current trends and therefore all the more attractive for visitors.

Bike parks

The operation of a bike park depends above all on the season and temperatures which make outdoor activities possible. Nowadays, most bike parks are a supplemental activity on ski slopes. This means that in winter such centres offer skiing and when the snow melts the bike park takes over. If the bike park is not part of a ski slope then you must be aware that the winter will be a so-called dead season when the park creates no income.


4. Maintenance

Trampoline parks

If you choose a good quality trampoline manufacturer, who makes trampolines from certified materials, for your trampoline park, then you will have very few concerns regarding the maintenance of the trampoline park. Regular inspection of the trampolines is a task you cannot avoid but it will not take you much time.

Bike parks

Maintaining a bike park, which is open to the elements, is however more demanding. Wooden obstacles and bridges must be appropriately protected and replaced if they break. If there is a lot of rain, some sections of the bike park may be damaged by water and must then be repaired. So it is not surprising that the best bike parks employ a special team, which regularly inspects and maintains the bike park.


5. Equipment

You are probably asking yourself what will attract people to come to the bike park or the trampoline park. In both cases it is definitely a wish for fun and relaxation.


[A very important factor in the decision

is also the equipment needed

for the chosen activity.]


While for jumping on trampolines visitors practically need nothing other than smooth socks, in the case of the bike park the situation is completely different. Riding through a bike park is possible only with suitable equipment – it is best if you use a downhill bike and we should not forget the obligatory helmet. Visitors can use their own equipment, but if they don’t have it, you as the bike park operator must make it possible for them to rent bikes and equipment, which again means a large financial investment.

If you would like to invest in the entertainment industry, then it is worth taking everything into consideration. Although there are many possibilities for investment nowadays, investing in a trampoline park is still the best choice. It has proven to have many advantages so the money invested returns quickly.


A trampoline park can be a lucrative business idea. But on the other hand, a start of a new business can always be a challenge. Download this eBook in which you will find answers to all the questions in your journey from the idea to the opening and further operating of the trampoline park. >>>


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