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Exercise, Fun activities, Business opportunity | 5 min read

Boost your Trampoline park business with fitness classes

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Are you struggling with the question of how to encourage your visitors to come back to your Trampoline park again and again? Try offering fitness classes! These are increasingly popular, so why not have them in your Trampoline park too?


Going to fitness centers and leading a healthy lifestyle is becoming, an ever more popular way, to spend one’s free time. However, strength training doesn’t have to be limited to fitness centers and gyms. A Trampoline park is also a great place for regular fitness classes.


Fitness classes in Trampoline parks, 

an opportunity for a completely new business model.


That’s why Trampoline park owners worldwide are becoming more interested in promoting fitness classes in their parks. This has proven to be an excellent strategy to change visiting a Trampoline park from a one-off experience to a completely new business model where visitors keep coming back on a regular basis.


Trampolines are a great addition to any fitness routine

Much has been written about the positive effects that jumping on trampolines can have on our bodies. In fact, a NASA study showed that 10 minutes of jumping is equivalent to 30 minutes of running. Even better – jumping on a trampoline puts much less stress on the joints than running, so the likelihood of injury is significantly lower.

Trampolining has the added benefit of being an effective full-body physical activity, suitable for all ages and fitness levels. It's also proven that jumping in a Trampoline park improves posture and motor skills. The unstable surface of a trampoline requires greater balance and control, and thus many muscles are involved in the movements, making the workout particularly challenging.

It's clear that an organized trampoline fitness session will make jumping even more effective and fun. Trampoline parks can thus be a great environment for various fitness exercises.

Fitness classes can be a great addition to your Trampoline park

A Trampoline park can be a perfect playground for fitness

Today's Trampoline parks are equipped with a wide variety of elements. In addition to trampoline modules, you’ll also find versions of many sports games, balance beams, climbing walls, and much more.

This way, the instructors have the perfect conditions to organize interesting fitness classes that are sure to be enjoyed again and again. Equipment such as heavy balls, elastic bands, and small weights can always be incorporated into the workout, and the intensity can be adjusted as needed, meaning that a trampoline fitness session can be just as effective as an identical workout in a gym.

Of course, there are always some concerns about the safety of exercising on trampolines. It’s therefore important that Trampoline park fitness training is led exclusively by certified instructors. They must continuously monitor those doing the exercises and increase or reduce the intensity if required.


What does a fitness class in a Trampoline park look like?

Fitness classes in a Trampoline park should follow the same principles as those in gyms or fitness centers. Every trampoline fitness workout should therefore include the following elements:

  • warm-up,
  • cardio exercises that raise your heart rate,
  • exercises to strengthen your legs, arms, and core muscles,
  • jumping on trampolines without performing acrobatics,
  • relaxation and cooling off.

At first, every visitor who joins a fitness class will be amazed by all the things they can do on trampolines. And then, under the expert guidance of the instructors, they’ll quickly notice their heart rate increases, their muscles get tired and they feel great with the rush of endorphins.

What does a fitness class in a Trampoline park look like?

Organize fitness classes and your visitors will come again and again

The fact is that Trampoline parks, with all their varied equipment, can offer a great environment for organizing various fitness exercises. These can be tailored to visitors of different ages, fitness levels, and demographic groups. It’s important that these classes are guided by experienced instructors who make trampoline training an even more professional and expertly-led experience.

Offering professionally guided fitness classes has a major impact on a Trampoline park’s visibility, and brings great added value. It keeps visitors coming back every week, or even more often. As a result, offering fitness classes in your Trampoline park can significantly increase its attendance.

Organize fitness classes in your Trampoline park, and your visitors will come again and again

That’s why fitness training is an excellent addition to any Trampoline park. Visitors return again and again, and ticket sales and memberships rise accordingly.



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