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Equipment, Manufacturing | 5 min read

Trampoline park jumping mats & springs

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Jumping mat and springs are one of the most important parts of the trampoline on which its bounce, the user’s safety and the trampoline’s lifespan depend. The fact is that without a high quality jumping mat and springs there is no high quality trampoline and thus a high quality trampoline park.


Here at Akrobat we use only certified European materials of the highest quality to make the best quality trampolines. As a result the Akrobat jumping mats and springs have long lifespans and are extremely functional.


Properties of Akrobat jumping mats that you will find attractive

Trampolines in trampoline parks boast double-layered jumping mats which mean the trampolines can be used and are completely safe even if the jumping mat is damaged. The trampoline park can therefore remain in operation until maintenance is carried out.

The experiences of many users of our trampoline parks show that Akrobat jumping mats have an exceptional bounce. Jumping on Akrobat trampolines is softer and the strain on the knees and ankles is minimal so users feel no pains even after jumping on Akrobat trampolines for a prolonged length of time.

Let us have a look at the characteristics of these jumping mats.


1. Akrobat jumping mats for standard trampolines

The standard Akrobat jumping mat is made of polypropylene and is fitted to all classic trampolines in the trampoline park. Typical of this kind of mat is that it is densely woven and therefore lets less air through.

The result of this is that such trampolines enable a classic bounce and completely safe use even for less experienced users.

Standard Akrobat jumping mats are double-layered so trampolines remain functional even in the event of minor damage and enable you to carry out maintenance work only outside the opening hours of the trampoline park.

There is no need to place an additional safety mat under the standard Akrobat jumping mat as there is no need to fear that the user may hit the ground while jumping.



2. High performance Akrobat jumping mats for professional use

The high performance jumping mats are woven from PES and are intended for professional use.

We use these mats on so-called High-performance trampolines in trampoline parks - compared with classic trampolines they have larger holes and let more air through. The result of this is a better bounce which means a higher jump. But that’s not all! On trampolines with the high performance Akrobat jumping mats you will also be able to jump with a horizontal bounce on your back to a height of 2 metres, perform various attractive manoeuvres, and climb the HP Wall with no trouble at all.

The High-performance trampolines have single-layer mats but additional safety mats are fitted under the jumping mat. As the high-performance mats are more elastic, there is the possibility that (in the event of the safety mat not being fitted) the jumper could touch the ground with his feet.

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High quality springs are an integral part of trampolines

An integral part of a trampoline which also has a large impact on the bounce are the springs.

Springs are also a key element when choosing the most suitable trampoline for the trampoline park. It is therefore good to know that the springs on the standard Akrobat trampolines are shorter and fitted at larger intervals than those on the high performance trampolines.

With our springs, which are the result of our own research, tests and which we produce ourselves, we achieve an optimal functionality that enables optimal jumps and it is this that makes trampolines in trampoline parks the safest trampolines on the market.

Due to the spring’s special design, their optimal length and elasticity, these factors considerably reduce the forces involved in jumping and thereby have a favourable effect on the spine and joints. In combination with the Akrobat jumping mat, the springs do not have any negative effects on the body of the jumper at the trampoline park while at the same time giving the trampolines an excellent bounce.

All our springs are practically indestructible and are the result of our own development and production. This has been achieved with the help of a team of well-trained and educated specialists who all have in-depth know-how. Combined with the use of high quality and certified materials, this is a very good guarantee that Akrobat trampolines can take more than 2.5 million jumps.


Why are Akrobat jumping mats the best choice?

The fact is that without a high quality jumping mat there is no high quality trampoline and this is one of our main guiding principles in the design and manufacture of Akrobat jumping mats. This is why we use only the highest quality and safest materials and before the jumping mats go on the market they are all tried and tested in the laboratory.


All jumping mats in our trampoline parks are designed in such a way that they ensure safer use, give an exceptional bounce and endure great burdens for many years.


Which trampolines in Trampoline parks provide the most quality jumping and outstanding performance for their visitors? Read our latest guide about the most popular Trampoline park modules - download it FREE! >>


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