Trampolines Blog | AKROBAT

Benefits Of Trampoline Jumping | Akrobat Trampolines

Written by Akrobat author | Feb 11, 2021 12:41:04 PM

Jumping on trampolines is not only becoming more and more popular, but many experts acknowledge it with more and more positive effects on our health. Therefore, it is classified as a healthy activity that affects our body in terms of strengthening muscle groups as well as exercise for the cardiovascular system. Many people, however, start jumping on trampolines for fun, as it is considered one of the most relaxing activities that reduce stress.


Trampolines have a positive effect on human health

If we focus on the health benefits of trampoline jumping, we can say with certainty that jumping on a trampoline affects the whole body. This is evidenced by many studies that have found that 10 minutes of jumping is more effective than thirty minutes of running. As a result, our cardiovascular functions are improved as well as the muscle tone of all major muscle groups.
That's not all - jumping on trampolines is rightly classified as a healthy activity because it also improves balance and coordination, increases bone density, changes body composition, improves lymphatic system functions and thus affects a better immune system, while also ensuring our better mental health.


With trampolines to better mental health

When we talk about the positive effects of trampolines on human health, it is not only important what the health benefits of trampoline jumping on our muscles and joints are, but also how it impacts our mental health. If we know that stress is the silent killer of modern society, we need to pay special attention to it and find an activity that will effectively "clear our minds" as well.

Mental health is a very broad concept and is generally defined as a state of well-being that each individual strives to achieve in different ways. If you haven't thought about trampolines so far, let us tell you that jumping on them also has a positive effect on our mental health, because:

1. Reduces stress

Have you noticed how people are significantly happier when they jump up and down? Fun with jumping has also been proven to be a great way to combat stress.

Like other forms of exercise, regular trampoline jumping is incredibly helpful in relieving stress, as this type of exercise prevents anxiety, reduces tension, and regulates your mood. Physical exertion in this case is a form of relaxation that also significantly contributes to improving your self-confidence.


2. It releases hormones that promote a positive mood

Jumping on a trampoline is one of those healthy activities in which the feeling of freedom and weightlessness in the brain releases more positive hormones - endorphins, which cause well-being and elevate mood.

In addition to endorphins, the hormone serotonin is released during jumping, which helps regulate mood, soothes anxiety, and reduces negativity. This results in a lower likelihood of depression, sleep disturbances, and anxiety, and at the same time, you will feel more relaxed and satisfied.


3. It's fun

Unlike other forms of exercise, which can be monotonous or boring, jumping on trampolines is extremely fun. It is a pleasant experience, so you are more likely to engage in such activities more often. Also, having fun with trampolines helps you distract from daily worries, making it a very good path to relaxation and meditation.


4. It is a great opportunity to strengthen family ties

Our mental health often also depends on the environment in which we live.
Good family relationships are key to well-being in the individual's environment, so you’ll be very happy if we tell you that trampolines are the best sort of fun activity for families.

Not only is this one of the few activities the whole family can do at the same time, but jumping on trampolines is also a great opportunity for collaboration, team spirit building, and strengthening family ties.


5. Increases energy levels

In addition to serotonin and endorphins, jumping releases another hormone - adrenaline. It stimulates:

  • the sympathetic nervous system, which strengthens the feeling of wakefulness,
  • increases the heart rate,
  • dilates the lungs,
  • speeds up blood circulation,
  • changes the metabolism, and at the same time
  • gives a quick feeling of well-being.

Increased blood circulation accelerates the circulation of oxygen between the cells, and the result is that you will feel an additional burst of energy within minutes of jumping.

Jumping on trampolines is a healthy activity for children

When you'll buy a trampoline, you will quickly realize how quickly it also changes the lives of your children. We all know how excited kids are about jumping and bouncing, and that it’s great fun for families, but that is just one of the many benefits that trampolines have on your youngest members of the family.

Jumping also requires a certain amount of concentration and movement patterns that, among other things, help the child reduce stress due to a number of school obligations.

Because the activity takes place outdoors, it distracts children from phones, computers, and television, and exposure to sunlight, increases the level of vitamin D. Similar to adults, it has a hugely positive effect on children, so it is a completely safe and healthy activity for children.


Any form of exercise is known to have positive effects on our mood, but the benefits of trampoline jumping are even greater for our mental health. We found that bouncing up and down and floating in the air gives a feeling of fun, freedom, relaxation, joy, happiness, and the associated well-being.


Check out Akrobat trampolines! They are synonyms for lasting quality, unpaired performance, and guaranteed safety. And they’re so much fun! >>