During the pandemic, trampolining has become very popular among children and adults alike. People exercising at home really took to the idea of rebounding – so much so that it’s become one of the most popular workouts. Let’s have a look at what rebounding is, what the most important benefits are, and how to get started.
It turns out rebounding has a lot of benefits for the human body, health, and general well-being. However, you have to do it correctly.
What is rebounding?
Rebounding is a type of aerobic exercise that is performed while jumping on a mini-trampoline. Small round trampolines are a great tool for fast or slow jumps and jogging exercises and can be mixed with rest for the best possible benefits of exercise.
Rebounding greatly strengthens the muscles in your legs and bones, and increases your endurance. This type of exercise is gaining popularity because it’s gentle on your joints but allows you to work your cardiovascular system without stressing your body.
Benefits of rebounding
Trampolining is a lot of fun, but it’s also much more than that. Anyone who’s tried rebounding will tell you that this cardiovascular exercise has great benefits and that unlike running, for example, it also protects your precious joints. It’s appropriate for people of all ages, from children to older adults.
If you decide to try rebounding you can expect a fantastic workout that’ll leave you breathless and dripping with sweat. Rebounding also has other, more important benefits:
- It works the abdominal core: Rebounding has positive effects on the leg, buttock, stomach, and deep back muscles. Your body muscles are activated during a rebounding workout, which is great for your stabilizer muscles.
- It boosts endurance: Whether you're doing strength training, a high-intensity rebounding workout, or jogging exercises, such activity will increase your heart rate. This will build your endurance over time.
- It stimulates the lymphatic system: Rebounding helps your body flush out toxins, bacteria, dead cells, and other waste products.
- It improves motor skills: Rebounding is anything but easy. In addition to improving your strength and endurance, rebounding will also enhance your balance and coordination.
- It strengthens bones: Bouncing puts small amounts of pressure on the joints and bones. It also increases bone density and bone strength. This means rebounding is a good workout for you if you have osteoporosis.
- It helps prevent urinary incontinence: According to research, rebounding is good for the pelvic floor muscles and the muscles of the deep core that help prevent urinary incontinence.

How to get started with rebounding?
As with any exercise, safety comes first. Talk with your doctor if you’ve had previous medical issues. Make sure that your trampoline is in working order and on a stable surface before each workout, and move your furniture out of the way.
First, you should warm up your muscles. Begin with a few minutes of easy bouncing to get used to the sensation of jumping. You don’t need to jump very high, just a few centimeters is fine.
Do different exercises to keep rebounding exciting
The best thing about rebounding is that you can do different types of moves. In this way, you won’t overuse the same muscles each time you work out, and you’ll keep things fun:
- The most basic workout includes simple jogging exercises that are great for cardio.
- HIIT (high-intensity interval training) rebounding workouts are gaining popularity. Such workouts will get your heart rate through the roof and burn fat even after you’re done exercising.
- Trampolines are also great for strength training. You can do planks, push-ups, squats, jumping jacks, and many other exercises. You can just use your bodyweight or increase your effort by adding weights.
Rebounding is a type of workout that will strengthen your entire body, regardless of whether you’re doing a cardio workout, strength training, or a high-intensity workout. It’s important not to overdo it and to stick to the basic principles of increasing the intensity of your workout. All you need to start rebounding is a good quality mini-trampoline, along with enthusiasm and persistence.