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Trends, Exercise, Fun activities | 6 min read


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Trampolines have been growing in popularity in recent years, so it is no surprise that we are currently seeing an outbreak of true ‘trampolinomania’. Trampolining has become one of the most popular and fun leisure activities for both young people and adults.


The number of trampoliners is growing by leaps and bounds all over the world

The first trampoline was developed in the 1930s as a tool for training astronauts and later also gymnasts, and trampolining was first introduced in the Olympic Games in 2000. People really enjoyed the activity, and it has become increasingly popular as a result.

One of the research shows that since the first trampoline park opened in America in 2004, their numbers have grown past 800. The situation in Europe is no different, even though their development began ten years later.

In global terms, in the period from 2009–2017, the number of trampoline parks grew from 3 to more than 1000, giving large numbers of people the opportunity to enjoy the sport.

In parallel with the growing popularity of trampoline parks, increasing numbers of people have opted to install trampolines at home. Current sales of trampolines are the highest in history.

However, this number is not just the result of their increasing popularity, but also the increasing quality of the products, which are made exclusively from tested and high-quality materials.

It is no exaggeration to say that trampolinomania has taken over the world, although the current situation with the coronavirus has undoubtedly contributed a great deal to this, as sales of outdoor sports equipment have increased by 50–100%.

Criteo 2020 Rebound Report data shows that in the month from March 27 to April 26, 2020, Trampoline sales were up in:

Criteo 2020 Rebound Report data shows that in the month from March 27 to April 26 2020, Trampoline sales were up


and sales of Swing Sets & Playsets went sky high compared to January in2:

Criteo 2020 Rebound Report data shows that in the month from March 27 to April 26 2020, Trampoline sales were up in:


Trampolining is a great way to spend your leisure time

While some people hold the opinion that trampolines are causing increasing numbers of injuries, in practice the situation is totally different. Manufacturers are becoming increasingly aware that user safety is the most important factor, so they are paying more and more attention to safety, both in trampoline design and in the use of high-quality materials.

The upshot is that trampolines now offer a unique opportunity for enjoying high-quality leisure time. Various studies have shown that trampolining is not just fun, but is also beneficial to one’s overall well-being, as it has numerous positive effects on the body.

Trampolining is a great way to spend your leisure time

That said, we can talk about various positive effects. This type of sports activity:

  • helps keep off extra weight
  • improves coordination, balance, and posture
  • strengthens bones and muscles
  • increases the metabolism
  • strengthens the heart

But that’s not all … You will probably be surprised to hear that the benefits of trampolining are comparable to those of running, as it is an excellent activity for strengthening the entire body, and regular trampolining can lead to significant increases in health and well-being.


Trampolinomania – fun for the whole family

There are not very many leisure activities that the entire family can enjoy, and even fewer that are fun for the whole family at the same time.

If you have ever been to a trampoline park, you already know that every single member of your family can get hooked on trampolinomania! Where else can you bounce and jump high into the air and throw a ball through a hoop, launch yourself onto jumping pillows, and have fun in so many other ways?

But nowadays it is not just trampoline parks that are popular; we are seeing increasing numbers of trampolines in people’s home yards and gardens. Since it is a simple and exceptionally fun activity, trampolines are a real magnet for kids and other family members. This outdoor activity can get them away from their computers, televisions, and other sedentary activities, and provides an excellent opportunity for everyone to spend some free time together.

Trampolinomania – fun for the whole family


The fact that trampolines are suitable for children, teens, and adults is key. The data indicate that families with children are among the most frequent visitors to trampoline parks, so it should not be surprising that trampolines are becoming increasingly popular at home.

Trampolines offer a great opportunity for the entire family to have fun, regardless of age or gender, as young boys and girls and older boys and girls all have a great time on them.


Trampolines offer a unique and memorable experience

Enjoyment of trampolining is of course the result of a positive user experience, which is possible only when such activities are conducted safely. Therefore, one has to distinguish between low-quality trampolines, which are merely toys, and trampolines which are designed and built as sports equipment and suitable for frequent use, and are therefore safer.

You have to be particularly careful to make sure that trampolines comply with all international safety regulations, which are regulated by the International Association of Trampoline Parks (IATP), and the regulations that specify special requirements for these types of sports equipment.

And you have to be aware that trampolines will not be attractive to people if they are not constructed in a manner that delivers a unique and unforgettable user experience – and safety is the primary factor here. As the old proverb states, “Good news travels fast, but bad news travels faster.”

Therefore a positive user experience is all the more important for increasing the popularity of trampolining.


The fact is that modern trampolines are among the safest types of outdoor sports equipment, and there is no doubt that they will continue to grow in popularity.



Check out Akrobat trampolines! They are synonyms for lasting quality, unpaired performance, and guaranteed safety. And they’re so much fun! >>
