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Exercise, Sport trampoline | 7 min read

What are the best sport trampolines?

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You may have noticed there are a lot of different trampolines on the market. So it’s essential you select the right model to match your needs and jumping skills. If you’re an experienced jumper, acrobat, or gymnast, then the only right choice for you is a high-quality sports trampoline.


Akrobat sports trampolines – products of own manufacture and development

The sales figures for sports trampolines in 2022 show that the market favors square shapes. This was expected, as square models have always been a more popular choice in the category of sports trampolines because they have a larger jumping surface.

Some of the best sports trampolines include those made by the Slovenian manufacturer Akrobat. All of their trampolines are products of their own manufacture and development and are made of tested and certified materials that are resistant to all external factors.


The frame is rust-resistant, and the jumping mat and safety pads

are resistant to UV rays and fire, as well as large temperature swings

from -30°C to +70°C.


Here we will highlight three of their best-selling models.


Akrobat Primus Flat 14x10 ft

The highest-quality jumping


The Primus Flat is the perfect choice for all highly experienced jumpers. The most popular trampolines among users are square-shaped models, in particular those sized 14x10 ft, which provide just the right surface area for doing various acrobatic stunts.

The Primus Flat 14x10 ft is a built-in trampoline, which means it is installed at ground level and blends in with the surrounding terrain. With its elegant and modern design, the trampoline is an attractive feature either in the home backyard or in public recreational areas.

This model is impressive because it combines the innovative AkroSpring Sport spring system and the AkroVent Sport jumping mat.

  • AkroSpring Sport is an exceptionally durable spring system that ensures long-lasting elasticity. What will impress you most, however, is its quiet operation and low physical impact on the body on landing.
  • The AkroVent Sport ventilated jumping mat is used to amplify the superior characteristics of the Primus Flat trampoline. One such key characteristic that stands out is even quieter and safer jumping. The safety padding is securely attached and efficiently covers the springs, significantly reducing the risk of injury.


The quality of jumping on a Primus Flat trampoline

is virtually unrivaled by

any other trampolines of the same quality class.


The combination of the jumping mat, which has 70% air permeability, and the suspension system deliver a unique bounce performance for an unforgettable jumping experience. It’s therefore not surprising that this trampoline is especially popular with experienced jumpers, teenagers, and gymnasts.

Along with all its superior characteristics, the Primus Flat 14x10 ft also sets an entirely new, higher bar for safety. Due to the innovative AkroClick system, this trampoline is also very easy to assemble, because it allows you to connect the individual profiles without using screws or tools.


Akrobat Primus Inground 11x8 ft

A sports trampoline for every pocket


Another sports trampoline model available from Akrobat in the category of inground trampolines is the Primus Inground 11x8 ft. This is an extremely durable and safe trampoline that offers the best value for money.

Like the previously described Primus Flat model, the Primus Inground also boasts the AkroSpring Sport suspension system and the AkroVent Sport jumping mat. This combination delivers unique bounce properties, quiet jumping, and minimized impacts on the body.

This model is very attractive for more experienced jumpers with a limited budget, as they can get a superior sports trampoline at a reasonable price. What’s more, assembly is fast and easy due to the AkroClick smart system, which allows you to put the trampoline together without using any tools or screws in just a few simple steps.


Akrobat Primus Challenger 17x10 ft

Superior bounce performance


In the category of free-standing sports trampolines, consider the Primus Challenger, a model that delivers a first-class jumping experience. Although the trampoline can be used by everyone, its dimensions are better suited to more demanding jumpers, since its bigger size allows more advanced stunts.

The innovative AkroVent Sports jumping mat provides an unforgettable jumping experience, exceptional bounce performance, and maximum tear resistance. The superior bounce performance also stems from the innovative AkroSpring Sport suspension system, which reduces noise and makes jumping on this trampoline almost silent.


The Primus Challenger trampoline is distinguished

by the best quality, maximum safety,

and superior performance.


Its reinforced double frame ensures maximum stability, while the safety padding is made of foam of the highest density and is resistant to fire water, and extreme temperatures, ranging from -40°C to +70°C. Another component of this trampoline is the safety net, which provides additional safety.

Even though the Primus Challenger is a superior item of sports equipment tailored to the needs of professional jumpers, it’s still very easy to assemble. This model also boasts the smart AkroClick system which allows the user to put it together without any screws or tools.


As sports trampolines are mostly designed for demanding users, their quality is all the more important. If you’d like to experience the combination of unique bounce performance and maximum safety, then Akrobat’s sports trampolines are definitely the right choice.


Discover our ultimate guide where we compile all the essential details you require to find the ideal trampoline tailored to your specific needs.



Check out trampolines from Akrobat! They offer tremendous health benefits, long-lasting quality, unpaired performance, and guaranteed safety. And they’re so much fun! >>
