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How to start, Industry trends | 5 min read

Who's the target group for your Trampoline park?

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Before you start designing your trampoline park, you have to do careful market research, during which you have to precisely define the target customers for whom the park will be designed. Being aware of the key demographic attributes and interests of your visitors is also a crucial part of a successful trampoline park business plan and effective marketing strategy.


Modern trampoline parks offer entertainment and an opportunity for exercise and active leisure time for adults, teens, children and families. The majority of parks in the entertainment industry are still mainly aimed at children, but they are increasingly being focused at other target groups.

From this perspective, visitors can be divided into two groups:

  1. Visitors who plan their visits to the trampoline park as a unique and special opportunity for individuals, their families or companies.
  2. Visitors who regularly go to trampoline parks and who see it as one of many ways to improve their physical fitness or to relax.

If the trampoline park is located in a large city, you can count on having a group of jumpers who compete professionally.

Let’s see who visits trampoline parks most often.


1. Children are still the biggest fans of trampoline parks

Despite the fact that the average age of trampoline park visitors has been increasing in the last few years, the highest proportion of visitors is still made up of children.

We find some revealing data on this in research of the demographics of trampoline park visitors, in which it was found that:

  • the most common age of children is 9;
  • a full 35% are children aged 6–10;
  • 26% are children aged 11–15;
  • 13% are children under 6.

In addition to the percentage of children in the individual groups, another significant point is that these are the children of the era of digitalisation, and the majority of them have mastered at least one modern technology by the age of 8.

Therefore, innovative graphics, music, computer games, and light effects are totally normal for them, and thus a mandatory part of every trampoline park.


2. For many families, trampoline parks are a great way to spend free time

The fact that children are the most frequent visitors to trampoline parks is just part of the story. Since a full 77% of visitors are under the age of 17, it should be expected that the majority of them will need to be supervised by their parents, grandparents or other adults. Therefore, visiting a trampoline park is becoming an increasingly popular way of spending leisure time for the whole family.

Here it is crucial that the so-called millennial parents have the unique qualities characteristic of parents born between 1981 and 1996. They are characterised by ranking parenting very high among their values, meaning that they spend more time with their children than the previous generations.

Although children have been affecting their parents’ consumption patterns for decades, this is especially evident among millennials, whose purchasing habits are strongly affected by their children, as a result of which those parents are willing to spend more on their children.


3. Adults looking for carefree fun in a unique environment

The aforementioned research also noted the growth of visitors in their 20s and 30s, with the age group between 21 and 40 years of age accounting for 15% of visitors. Although the numbers of people over 40 are lower, this group also accounts for a surprisingly large number of visitors.

Though a large number of these adults are parents accompanying their children to the trampoline parks, we shouldn’t neglect the large number of individuals who are looking for various types of entertainment and fun ways to spend their free time.

Therefore, in order to have a successful trampoline park business, you have to have additional features that will attract members of the 21 to 40 age group. This includes special events, birthday parties, fun and organised classes, socialising or teambuilding courses intended for private groups, companies and other groups, which are held outside the park’s normal operating hours.


4. Sports training and programmes for athletes

Modern trampolines are one of the most efficient types of sports equipment, and they are well-suited not just for training astronauts, but all other athletes as well.

Trampolining is known to have an enormous amount of positive effects on your health, and training on trampolines can be just as effective as weight training for strengthening knee muscles and improving balance. Therefore it is not surprising that trampolines are being used by more and more athletes, which is something that trampoline parks should be paying a lot of attention to.


While it is true that the majority of trampoline parks focus on visitors aged between 5 and 25 or between 10 and 30, a certain amount of attention also has to be paid to other visitor groups.

Familiarity with their demographic characteristics is exceptionally important for the operations of trampoline parks since both the selection of the park’s individual elements and the eventual marketing strategy will depend on it.


Trampoline parks are getting extremely popular among various types of visitors, and, therefore, becoming a great investment opportunity. Download our new e-Book and learn about the cost of investments in Trampoline parks. >>


AKROBAT - What investment needed for  a trampoline park