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Investment, Business opportunity | 6 min read

How profitable is the Trampoline park business?

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The last few years have seen the exceptional growth of trampoline parks. Since the growth trend is clear, we can say without hesitation that trampoline parks are currently one of the hottest, fastest-growing and profitable businesses, and have become an exceptionally promising entertainment industry opportunity.

It is estimated that a full 300 different parks open around the world every month – from various types of adventure parks and water parks to a considerable number of trampoline parks. But how profitable is the trampoline park business and how high are park expenses?

1. Trampoline park expenses and revenues

Trampoline park expenses include the leasing of the space, maintenance, and labor costs, and you will also have to cover insurance, marketing, and utilities. Also, don’t forget about the costs awaiting you in the future for maintenance of the trampolines due to wear, or simply because you would like to update individual elements of your trampoline park.

Whether your trampoline park will turn a profit depends on many factors, but most of all on the ratio between the aforementioned expenses and revenues. Your main source of revenue will be receipted for ticket sales for one hour or jumping on the trampolines, but additional services and additional forms of entertainment can help you drastically increase your revenues, and therefore your profits.


Are you thinking about opening your own Trampoline park? Read our blog and get a grip on how to start a new career & life in the Trampoline park business.
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2. It pays off to invest in trampoline parks

While the initial costs of opening a trampoline park are relatively high, the trampoline park business still stands as an investment worth industry and can (with a well-defined trampoline park business plan) quickly become a profitable business. Of course, you have to take into account numerous factors, safety aspects, budgeting, the available space, the location, and others, but generally speaking, the profits are large.

AKROBAT-How-profitable-is-the-trampoline-park-business-Pic01Source: ogscapital.com


For example, a trampoline park in California posts annual profits of 780.000 dollars ($), and some big names in the industry record annual profits of over a million. The fact is that trampoline parks generate profits, but you have to be persistent and patient. Regardless of the strategy you choose, the investment will only start showing returns after the first 8 to 12 months.


Benefits of investment in trampoline parks

We have found that trampoline parks represent an important business opportunity in the entertainment industry and that they are worth investing in. Since there are several advantages to investing in them, their profitability will surely continue to increase in the future. Let's look at some pros of investing in the trampoline park business: 

  • Trampoline parks reach a very wide target audience, as they are visited by people in every age group. The largest age group is children aged 9, but they are also popular among teens and adults between the ages of 20 and 40.

  • Trampoline parks are a family-friendly activity, as parents and even grandparents can spend several hours there with their children.

  • One of the benefits of investment in trampoline parks is that they allow for large capacities of visitors, up to 150 at a time, which also means up to 150 tickets sold.

  • Once you have taken care of the design concept, construction, and trampoline park business plan and have launched it onto the market, the management and maintenance of the trampoline park are very straightforward. If you use the highest-quality materials, then they only need to be inspected regularly and defects repaired in time to prevent serious injuries.

  • Trampoline parks are an interesting business opportunity, as they offer several additional activities in addition to jumping on trampolines. Birthday parties, special events, team building, and many other activities are the main reason that visitors sometimes stay at trampoline parks for 2 or 3 hours or more.
  • Additional services, such as restaurants and snack bars, are a great solution for longer visits, as visitors simply require refreshment after so much physical effort, and at the same time, they are a great opportunity for additional revenue.


It is unlikely that your trampoline park business will fail, as the trampoline industry is exceptionally dynamic and offers opportunities for technological development and innovation at every step.

The data show that the global market for trampoline parks in 2018 was estimated at 1,415.2 million US dollars ($), and by 2028 it is expected to reach 6,897.6 million ($), which is a 17,2 % growth.

AKROBAT-How-profitable-is-the-trampoline-park-business-Pic02Source: market.us


Trampoline development thus continuously follows the wishes and interests of visitors, who are always looking for opportunities for unforgettable entertainment.



In the last few years, the trampoline park business has grown all over the world, and become one of the most profitable businesses in the entertainment industry. Due to the exceptionally dynamic trampoline industry, the extremely broad range of the target group of visitors, enormous opportunities for additional services, and many other factors, this is a business that will continue to pay returns on its investment in the future number-one entertainment industry opportunity.


Trampoline park can be a lucrative business idea. But on the other hand, a start of a new business can always be a challenge. Especially in the trampoline park business, which is very complex. What are the next steps?
Read the comprehensive guide on How to start a Trampoline park business.


Download the eBook in which you will find answers to all the questions in your journey from the idea to the opening and further operating of the trampoline park. >>>


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