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Safety, Maintenance, Equipment | 6 min read

How to maintain a Trampoline park?

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By regularly checking the structure and carrying out maintenance, the equipment will stay in good condition, and your Trampoline park will remain a fun and safe environment for your visitors. Regular maintenance is also important from a financial point of view. A small defect is easier and faster to fix, and the time the Trampoline park is closed will be shorter.


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4 min, 37 sec

Trampoline parks are growing in size, and new elements are always being developed and added. To keep your visitors safe, it’s important to maintain a Trampoline park properly.

Let’s have a look at some tips for maintaining your Trampoline park.


Daily inspection routines

Before opening the park every morning, it’s necessary to carry out inspection routines by checking the general condition and cleanliness of the park. You should always check:

  • The condition of springs: Take a look underneath the structure to check if there are any damaged, rusty or broken springs. Such springs must immediately be replaced with new springs. Also, replace any springs that have lost their tension.
  • The condition of the jumping area: Check the condition of the jumping mats. If a jumping mat contains scratches or cracks, replace or fix this mat as soon as possible.
  • The condition of the safety padding: Check the padding and make sure the springs are covered by it. Is the padding properly fitted onto the trampolines? Also, check for damage to the safety padding.
  • The condition of the frames: Check the trampoline frames for damage and whether all the screws in the platforms and safety fences are screwed in tightly.

Additionally, also check all the emergency exits.


Use a checklist

Make a checklist. It can be a daily, weekly, monthly, or six-month checklist. You can download our free Inspection Checklist for Trampoline parks here >>> 

Using a checklist helps you and your employees to ensure that none of the above-mentioned points are forgotten. This way, you know that the equipment is regularly checked when it’s checked, and who’s checking it, so any damage can be noticed immediately.

When planning your Trampoline park’s maintenance and replacing worn-out parts, use the Smart Park Solution app, offered exclusively by Akrobat. This way, all the modules, and elements are wired and connected to a platform that constantly follows their usage.


The app systematically tells you when

a certain element or module needs servicing

or a more extensive maintenance check.


Cleaning your Trampoline park

Trampoline parks are generally large structures with other areas in addition to trampolines, such as exercise areas, restaurants, bars, party areas, locker rooms, and so on. All these areas must be kept clean, so visitors feel good in them.

The trampolines in particular should be thoroughly cleaned since your visitors are in close contact with them. A vacuum cleaner can be used to keep the surface clean, and you should use a damp cloth to clean the jumping mats.

When cleaning, don’t forget all other elements in your Trampoline park, such as dodgeball nets, video game consoles, and climbing walls. They also get dusty and dirty, so they need to be cleaned.


Cleaning the foam pit

The foam pit is an important element of every Trampoline park. It’s often used intensively, so it must be cleaned regularly. For thorough cleaning, all foam blocks should be taken out of the pit as a first step. When the foam pit is empty, this makes it is possible to clean the entire surface and check its condition.

The last step is to refill the foam pit with all the blocks. Any foam blocks which are damaged must be replaced with new ones. Make sure that the foam pit is filled to the minimum height, and that the blocks are evenly distributed.


Checking the safety nets

For a good maintenance, you should also regularly check the safety netting for damage, tearing, and ductility. If you find torn nets in your park, it’s necessary to repair them immediately.


As a Trampoline park owner, you must put the safety of your visitors first. Regular maintenance is essential to ensure this, and at the same time, it will enable the elements in your Trampoline park to be used for a longer period of time. This way you’ll save money since maintenance costs less than purchasing new elements.



Check the safety of your Trampoline park regularly, according to the manufacturer's instructions, with our free PDF & Excell checklist! 


Period inspection checklist - check the safety of your Trampoline park. Akrobat