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Safety, Buying a Trampoline | 5 min read

The simplest trampoline assembly - Akrobat AkroCLICK®

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Akrobat trampolines feature the unique AkroCLICK® system, a revolutionary assembly technology. With this innovative system, you can effortlessly assemble Akrobat trampolines without the need for screws or tools.


Proper installation is crucial for the safe use of trampolines. The Akrobat AkroCLICK®

smart system, which is featured in all trampolines produced by the Slovenian manufacturer Akrobat, will certainly save you a lot of time, effort, and worry.


AkroCLICK® – when assembling trampolines becomes a real pleasure!

Akrobat trampolines are famous for being made entirely in Europe, so they easily outlast many of their competitors on the market. Another extremely important factor contributing to their superior quality is their smart AkroCLICK® assembly system. It makes Akrobat trampolines the only models in the world that don’t require any tools to assemble. Let's take a look at how this is even possible.

As the name suggests, AkroCLICK® is a smart click system that allows you to connect the individual profiles of the trampoline's metal frame completely without screws or tools. Akrobat AkroCLICK® makes sure that the components are tightly connected to each other. An indispensable part of the whole system is the additional safety pins, which ensure each trampoline is extra secure and strong.

AkroCLICK® – when assembling trampolines becomes a real pleasure! - Akrobat

Benefits of the Akrobat AkroCLICK® system

The unique and innovative AkroCLICK® system undoubtedly brings many benefits to both owners and users. Below, we highlight just a few of them:


1. Akrobat AkroCLICK® makes setting up your trampoline quick and easy

Say goodbye to complicated assembly instructions and the various tools you would otherwise need to set up the trampolines made by other manufacturers. The Akrobat AkroCLICK® system makes assembling and setting up all Akrobat trampolines quick and easy.

Thanks to the Akrobat AkroCLICK® system, only two people are needed to set up a trampoline. No screwdriver, socket spanner, Allen key, or other tool or accessory is needed, and no excessive force is required to assemble the trampoline. The assembly can thus be done in just a few very short and easy steps:

  • find the most suitable place to set up the trampoline;

  • join the legs and the individual parts of the trampoline's metal frame and rotate the leg extension at the junction until the AkroCLICK® snaps into position and clicks (the legs and the frame of the trampoline form a strong and stable connection);

  • do the same with the rest of the frame.

If you follow all these steps, the Akrobat AkroCLICK® system will definitely save you a lot of time, effort, and worry.


2. Akrobat AkroCLICK® makes the trampoline more stable

The more components, screws, and bolts a trampoline has, the more likely they will break or loosen over time. Loose screws in particular are often the reason why the joints between the individual parts of a trampoline also become loose. As a result, most trampolines become unstable over time, which can lead to unnecessary damage and increased wear and tear on the components.

In contrast, the Akrobat AkroCLICK® system ensures a strong connection between the profiles of the trampoline's metal frame and its legs, completely without screws. In this way, there’s no need to worry about the individual joints loosening over time. This means that all the components of the trampoline are much stronger, and the whole frame remains stable for many years.


3. Akrobat AkroCLICK® contributes to the long life of trampolines

Akrobat uses only high-quality and certified materials for all its trampolines, which can withstand the highest loads and harshest weather conditions. Combined with the Akrobat AkroCLICK® system, their trampolines can last for many years without any problems.

In addition to Akrobat AkroCLICK® greatly increasing stability, this innovative system brings another benefit that has a significant impact on the lifespan of the trampolines. As the metal frame is completely screwless, it’s also less likely to rust, as this is something that screws are especially susceptible to.

With all this in mind, it's no surprise that Akrobat is one of the few companies to offer a lifetime warranty on the metal frames of its trampolines.

Akrobat AkroCLICK® contributes to the long life of trampolines - Akrobat

4. The Akrobat AkroCLICK® system makes trampolining even safer

Wobbly and unstable trampolines are a common cause of injuries while jumping. This can be avoided in a very simple way by choosing Akrobat trampolines, which feature the aforementioned Akrobat AkroCLICK® system. This makes the trampolines more stable and thus considerably safer to use.

Akrobat AkroCLICK® ensures that you and others can jump on Akrobat trampolines without a care in the world. Pair this with the high-quality materials that are used for all components, and it’s clear that the likelihood of injury is minimal if you follow the instructions for use.


By choosing an Akrobat trampoline, which proudly features the AkroCLICK® system, you will thus benefit in many ways. Not only does this innovative system save you a lot of time, effort, and worry when assembling and setting up your trampoline, but it also helps to increase its stability, safety, and lifespan. So you can have more fun, safely, for longer.



Check out Akrobat trampolines! They are synonyms for lasting quality, unpaired performance, and guaranteed safety. And they’re so much fun! >>

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