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Buying a Trampoline, Quality | 5 min read

What makes European trampolines better than Asian ones?

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Buying a trampoline is a long-term investment, so you shouldn’t be cutting corners or pinching pennies. If you want a trampoline that will last a long time, buying a high-quality product is the best choice. Are you interested in why most people choose European trampoline manufacturers over Asian ones?



As the demand for trampolines is increasing, so is the number of trampoline manufacturers. Although virtually all trampolines look the same at first glance, the differences in quality between them are significant, and obvious when you know what to look for. This is especially true when comparing European trampolines with Asian ones. Below are some of the reasons why it’s best to choose trampolines that are made in Europe.


European trampoline manufacturers use high-quality, certified materials

Have you ever been hit by a strong smell of plastic after opening the packaging of a trampoline? This unpleasant odor is the result of trampoline manufacturers using old engine oil to cut costs instead of appropriate plasticizers to make the padding. This is particularly the case in China, and padding of this kind feels completely different compared to that made in Europe.

European trampoline manufacturers use high-quality, certified materials

The fact is that trampoline production in Asia is mainly focused on keeping costs low in order to compete on price, so quality is often neglected. As a result, the materials used to get worn out and fade more quickly, the trampolines are less stable, and jumping on them usually produces very loud sounds.

Unlike most Asian trampolines, European models will last significantly longer. The main reason is that they’re made exclusively of high-quality and certified European materials, which are more durable and resistant to different weather conditions.


Due to their high quality, European trampolines can withstand

a higher number of jumps and provide

a softer grip and higher bounce

compared to trampolines made by Asian manufacturers.

The most important standards regulating the manufacture of European trampolines

The most important standards regulating the manufacture of European trampolines

In addition to the choice of materials, there are also significant differences in the standards that regulate the production of trampolines. It’s well known that European trampoline manufacturers have to comply with extremely rigorous production standards and their trampolines have to pass numerous tests before they can even go on the market.


1. European manufacturers are bound by the REACH regulation

Particularly important is the commitment of European manufacturers to the highly stringent REACH regulation, which prevents the use of any raw material that is dangerous to human health and the environment, or that lacks proper certification and traceability.


REACH prevents the use of as many as 71 chemicals in Europe,

compared to only three being banned in the US

and zero in Asia!


European trampoline manufacturers are therefore committed to ensuring that no hazardous substances are used in the plastic parts of the trampoline and that all materials are certified and traceable. In China, or rather Asia as a whole, it’s allowed to use any chemicals in children's products.

This is important because children are constantly touching the plastic parts on the trampoline, such as protective padding, plastic caps, safety nets, or jumping mats. And many of the chemicals used can cause allergic reactions, cancer, hormonal fluctuations, and even infertility. It’s thus clear that European trampolines are less harmful and dangerous for people, as well as the environment.

European trampoline manufacturers are committed to environmental regulations

2. European manufacturers are committed to environmental regulations

In Europe, all manufacturers of chemical substances or products made of chemical substances are also subject to strict environmental regulations. To protect the environment and reduce waste, trampolines must have a long service life, so all materials must be tested for UV resistance in accordance with the EN 71-14 standard. Otherwise, it’s prohibited to use them in the manufacture of products.

Trampolines from one of Europe's most renowned manufacturers, Akrobat, have a UV resistance range of -40 to +40°C, which ensures that they can be used for a long time, even under harsh weather conditions. Akrobat’s trampolines are carefully designed to last as long as possible and provide users with completely safe and carefree fun.

A European trampoline is the best choice!

A European trampoline is the best choice!

Today, European consumers can choose between European and Asian trampolines, with the latter usually cheaper due to the use of inferior materials. However, given the differences we’ve outlined here, you can expect a shorter service life from such a trampoline, along with greater risk to your health and the environment.


So if you want a trouble-free trampoline with a long service life, choosing a European trampoline is the only sensible option!



Check out Akrobat trampolines! They are synonyms for lasting quality, unpaired performance, and guaranteed safety. And they’re so much fun! >>

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