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Safety, Buying a Trampoline | 5 min read

Trampoline safety tips for kids

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Although jumping on trampolines is great fun and a full-body activity for children, it can also cause many injuries. These can be avoided if you teach your children proper jumping etiquette and the simple rules of safe trampolining early enough.



The first step to preventing injuries is to follow the manufacturer’s instructions on how to set up your model of trampoline correctly. While accessories such as safety nets, safety padding, and other elements may give parents some peace of mind, it’s even more important to teach children the right way to behave when using a trampoline.

Jumping etiquette and safety tips for children on a trampoline - Akrobat

Jumping etiquette and safety tips for children on a trampoline

As soon as you put a trampoline in your garden, you should establish clear rules and guidelines on how to use it. Make sure any children who will use the trampoline understand the rules, as this is key to preventing injuries and ensuring safety while having fun.

Although the rules on safe jumping are also included in the assembly instructions, let’s highlight some of the most important ones below:

  • Only one person can jump on the trampoline at a time,
  • Jumping on the trampoline is only allowed with shoes off,
  • The use of any items or sharp objects is prohibited,
  • Pets are not allowed on the trampoline,
  • Eating and drinking on the trampoline is forbidden,
  • Only one person is allowed inside the trampoline safety net while jumping, and others must wait outside.

In addition to these basic instructions, it’s important to be extremely careful when performing flips and more complex moves, and the presence of an experienced and professionally trained person is recommended. In its instructions the world-renowned trampoline manufacturer Akrobat also describes the basic jumps and how to perform them, so beginners can learn these moves on their own.


How to teach children the correct etiquette and trampolining rules

While the rules of trampolining are usually easy to remember, problems can arise when teaching them. It therefore comes as no surprise that parents often wonder how to teach their children the correct trampolining etiquette and make sure they learn and put into practice the rules of safe jumping. Here are some tips to make it easier for you:


1. Watch your children carefully during trampolining

If you want to teach your children the rules of safe jumping, it’s important to watch them while they’re on the trampoline. You should keep watching until you’re absolutely sure that your children are following the rules. Make sure to let them know whenever they break any of the jumping rules and, if this happens often, impose appropriate sanctions, such as not being allowed on the trampoline for the rest of the day. This way your children will eventually learn that following the rules is essential if they want to enjoy trampolining.

How to teach children the correct etiquette and trampolining rules - Akrobat

2. Teach your children how to get on and off the trampoline correctly

Safety starts with knowing how to get on and off a trampoline correctly. Teach your children how to use a ladder or steps correctly to avoid them climbing or staying on the safety padding while another child is jumping.


3. Teach children how to use safety equipment properly

Teach your children how to use safety equipment properly and help them understand that the padding and net are on the trampoline for a good reason – to stop them from getting hurt! Let them know they must never remove or change the position of the safety equipment.

Teach children how to use safety equipment properly - Akrobat

4. Teach your children to jump safely on trampolines

Although jumping on a trampoline may seem very easy, it still requires some basic skills. Teach your children to jump in the middle of the trampoline and avoid jumping close to the edges or springs. Above all, it’s important that your children’s jumps are supervised, controlled, and in line with their ability and experience. However, as jumping on trampolines can also be tiring, be sure to set a time limit for the activity. This will significantly reduce the risk of injury.


5. Talk to your children about the dangers

As a parent, you probably don't want to dampen your children's enthusiasm for trampolining right from the start. After all, it's one of the few activities that can get them away from sitting down and looking at a screen. Talk to them about the correct use of the trampoline, the need to slowly build up their jumping skills and abilities, and remind them not to try any difficult jumps before they’ve mastered the basics. Moving too fast and breaking the rules can have some unpleasant consequences that may cut their trampolining fun short.

Teach your children to jump safely on trampolines - Akrobat

If you teach your children the rules of safe trampolining and the related etiquette, you can rest easy in the knowledge you’re providing them with a safe, enjoyable, and healthy experience. But you can only achieve this peace of mind after first investing some time and effort in presenting these simple rules of safe trampolining.



Check out Akrobat trampolines! They are synonyms for lasting quality, unpaired performance, and guaranteed safety. And they’re so much fun! >>

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