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How to get rid of cellulite with Trampolining?

Written by Akrobat author | Sep 20, 2022 9:15:00 AM

Cellulite is a harmless but very common skin condition found in men and women, which manifests as orange peel skin. If you have cellulite, you’ve undoubtedly already tried a number of things to reduce its appearance. But have you ever tried rebounding?


What is cellulite and how best to deal with it?

Cellulite is a natural occurrence in the fatty and connective tissues in the subcutaneous skin layers, which both men and women can struggle with. It results from water retention and excessive expansion of fat cells, which makes the skin look similar to orange peel. It’s prevalent on the thighs, abdomen, and buttocks, where circulation is poorest.

You’re probably wondering what the most common reasons for cellulite are. While the issue is definitely related to genetics, it also emerges due to a lack of physical exercise, predominantly sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet, stress, and many other factors. Although harmless to one’s health, cellulite is visually unappealing, which is why many people are looking for different ways how to best tackle the problem.

Go online and you’ll find endless tips and tricks on how to eliminate cellulite. The market is overflowing with various cosmetics and other products that promise to deliver the best possible results. We can safely say, however, that the best way to tackle cellulite is through appropriate physical activity. Among those activities, we’d like to highlight the benefits of rebounding.


How can rebounding affect your cellulite?

Yes, that’s right, in addition to being a fun activity, rebounding is an extremely efficient way of reducing the appearance of orange peel skin. It’s been proven that rebounding tightens the skin tones the muscles and stimulates blood circulation, which means that fresh blood is able to reach the surface layers of the skin. Let’s take a closer look at the benefits of rebounding for cellulite reduction.

1. Rebounding and blood circulation

To keep your skin looking healthy, blood circulation is vital and 10 minutes of rebounding a day are all it takes to improve circulation and reduce inflammation. This type of movement has a number of different effects:

  • increased blood flow to all body parts provides a fresh supply of oxygen to the skin;
  • the blood helps carry toxins to the skin surface so that they are removed more quickly through the pores;
  • improved circulation accelerates skin cell repair, which is seen in improved health of the skin and connective tissue.

2. Rebounding and the lymphatic system

If you want to achieve healthier skin, one of the most important things to consider in your body is the lymphatic system. Its main role is to help your body remove toxins that often cause cellulite. Rebounding accelerates lymph circulation, thus preventing toxins from staying under the skin surface. The mechanics of the movements are key to this, as the gravitational force and the up-and-down movement contribute to even more effective toxin removal.

3. Rebounding and collagen regeneration

Collagen is a protein in our body that helps the skin look healthy. With age, collagen supplies decline, which can quickly show as skin becomes less firm and gains an orange peel appearance. One of the most common issues that hinder collagen production is a high level of cortisol, a hormone that is generated in response to stress. Making rebounding part of your routine can prevent your body from releasing cortisol, so your nervous system will calm down and your skin will look more beautiful.

4. Rebounding and muscle growth

Any sports activity is good to reduce cellulite, as exercise affects our muscles. Since rebounding can be compared with strength training, it’s perfectly clear that it helps strengthen the muscles and makes the muscle fibers stronger. This additionally tightens and smooths the skin.

5. Rebounding and removal of fat deposits

In addition to strengthening muscles, regular rebounding helps remove fat deposits stored under the skin. As this is a high-intensity workout, fat deposits are removed more quickly and then gradually replaced by muscle fibers, which significantly improve the skin’s appearance.


Benefits of rebounding when combating cellulite

By its very nature, a trampoline is the best investment for anyone who would like to lead a healthy lifestyle. It’s also great for anyone who wants to improve the appearance of their skin without medication, creams, or even invasive procedures.


An additional advantage of rebounding is that it’s suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels. The benefits of rebounding are extraordinary, as excellent results can be achieved within a very short period of time. And all it takes is to make rebounding part of your daily routine.



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