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Buying a Trampoline, Public trampoline | 7 min read

How to include public use trampolines in hotels and restaurants?

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Trampolines for public use are an excellent piece of sports equipment for active leisure time, something that hotel and restaurant guests are also increasingly interested in. Let's take a look at the best ways to integrate trampolines into your hotel or restaurant.


Satisfaction among guests staying in hotels with a lot of entertainment and additional amenities, such as swimming pools, trampolines, saunas, and fitness facilities, is significantly higher than among those staying in hotels without such features.

And now, more than ever, hotels and restaurants need to make sure that their guests are satisfied in a variety of ways. One of the ways to achieve this is to include trampolines for public use in their services.


Public trampolines make hotels more family-friendly

There is research that suggests that children are calmer and more attentive when they’re physically active. Public trampolines in hotels provide a great playground for children to play freely, which is very important when on vacation.

Physically active children tend to be better behaved and more manageable. And it’s no secret that how children behave greatly influences how enjoyable any vacation will be for the whole family. With trampolines for public use, you are sure to provide additional relaxation and greater satisfaction for all guests with children.

And knowing that children are being entertained in a hotel or restaurant will keep such families coming back time and again. What’s more, they’ll undoubtedly recommend your kid-friendly range of services to their friends.

Trampolines for public use to keep hotel guests active - Akrobat

Trampolines for public use to keep hotel guests active

People stay at hotels for many different reasons. Some guests are there for business purposes, some are on holiday, and others may have come to visit nearby tourist attractions. Regardless of the reason, research has shown that the availability of sports facilities is increasingly important to hotel guests, many of whom are even willing to pay more for their stay at a hotel that enables them to engage in active recreation.

It’s therefore essential that hotels also offer active leisure activities for their guests to make their stay more enjoyable. In this respect, it’s increasingly important for hotels to offer a wide range of sports and recreational facilities in addition to accommodation and catering options.

Trampolines for public use can be an excellent complement to a hotel’s range of services in this respect, as jumping on trampolines has many positive effects on the body. And Trampolines don’t have to be located outdoors, where bad weather can stop their use. Hotels can easily incorporate them indoors, making them a great exercise tool and an alternative to fitness equipment.

Since exercising on “fitness trampolines” is becoming more and more popular, hotels can offer their guests various group workout sessions or organize different courses. Organizing such courses can attract large numbers of guests, which makes this a great way to increase hotel occupancy.

Trampolines for public use make restaurant visits less stressful for parents - Akrobat

Trampolines for public use make restaurant visits less stressful for parents

Before visiting a restaurant, parents with young children often wonder how best to keep their little ones occupied while waiting for their food. Many of these worries become a thing of the past when visiting a restaurant that also has trampolines. And you know what they say: happy kids, happy parents.

Trampolines for public use in restaurants ensure that children can play freely and have fun while waiting for lunch. This way, they’re also a little removed from the action in the restaurant itself and, as a result, all the guests, not just the parents, have enough peace to talk and enjoy their meals.

Incorporating trampolines for public use in hotels and restaurants - Akrobat

Incorporating trampolines for public use in hotels and restaurants

Appealing outdoor areas around hotels and restaurants brings an important added value that attracts many guests. High-quality trampolines for public use, which can blend in smoothly with their surroundings, represent a piece of infrastructure that can give a hotel or restaurant a major boost to its ratings.

Of course, the inclusion of trampolines for public use in hotels and restaurants must be always thoroughly considered and planned. There are many factors to think about in this respect:


1. Taking available space into account

Whether you’re planning to extend your hotel or restaurant’s range of services with indoor or outdoor trampolines, always keep the available space in mind. Choosing the right size and shape of trampolines is crucial, as well as making sure there’s also enough space around them for resting and socializing.


2. Outdoor or indoor trampolines for public use

The next question you need to answer is where you intend to install trampolines for public use. Do you have an indoor space dedicated to trampolines, or do you plan to install the trampolines somewhere outdoors, next to your hotel or restaurant?

This decision has a major impact on the choice of trampolines. Outdoor trampolines are exposed to a variety of weather conditions, so make sure you choose models that have adequate UV protection, quality padding, and are resistant to rusting.


3. The intended use of public trampolines

One of the important factors to consider is whom the trampolines are intended for, as they don’t necessarily have to be just for children. Adults can use them too, so it’s vital to make sure that all the intended users can jump safely.

If intended for both adults and children, then it’s even more important to think about the trampolines' load capacity and choose high-quality suspension and jumping mats. Add to this the high frequency of visitors, and it becomes obvious that the only possible solution is to choose trampolines of the highest quality.


4. Choosing a manufacturer of trampolines for public use

Incorporating trampolines for public use in your hotel or restaurant’s range of services can be made much easier by choosing a reliable trampoline manufacturer. It’s essential to choose a manufacturer that will:

  • give expert advice depending on the space available, budget, and number of guests;
  • fully adapt to your needs in terms of shape and size, and will also meet all other requirements (such as printing the hotel or restaurant logo, color matching, etc.).


Akrobat is the best trampoline provider in this field and meets its client’s needs on all the above points. In addition to offering the highest-quality trampolines for public use, the company offers a complete service from design to implementation, so you can relax and have confidence in every step of the process.


Discover our ultimate guide where we compile all the essential details you require to find the ideal trampoline tailored to your specific needs.



Check out Akrobat trampolines! They are synonyms for lasting quality, unpaired performance, and guaranteed safety. And they’re so much fun! >>

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