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Health, Exercise | 5 min read

Jumping on trampolines improves cardiovascular health

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Jumping on trampolines is more than just fun. It’s an activity that has a positive impact on our health, especially cardiovascular health. Let's take a look at how it can improve the health of your heart.


The positive effects of jumping on trampolines have been attested by the results of numerous studies. According to their findings, this activity can improve muscle strength, increase bone density, enhance motor skills, reduce stress, and have a positive effect on the heart.


Jumping on trampolines is an effective cardio workout

Cardio exercise includes all activities that strengthen the cardiovascular system, prevent various diseases, and keep the body healthy. It’s characterized by an increase in heart rate during the activity, which leads to increased blood circulation and consequently improved endurance.

Research has shown that jumping on trampolines is an effective form of both high-intensity interval training and moderate-intensity continuous training. In terms of intensity, it’s therefore an exercise that’s effective enough to have a positive impact on the functioning of the heart and the cardiovascular system. For many people, jumping is a great alternative to running or going to the gym, as it is, in addition to all the positive effects, a lot more fun.

Let's take a look at some of the ways jumping on trampolines can be beneficial for your heart.

Jumping on trampolines is an effective cardio workout - Akrobat


Jumping on trampolines prevents cardiovascular diseases

Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide, according to the World Health Organization, but they can also be prevented with the right measures. In addition to avoiding salt, processed sugar, fat, cholesterol, and alcohol, regular physical activity is essential.

In this respect, jumping on trampolines offers an intense cardiovascular workout that has three times the impact of other cardio activities. Ten minutes on a trampoline has the same effect as 30 minutes of jogging. Jumping on trampolines thus has the following benefits:

  • Lowers triglyceride levels: High levels of triglycerides increase the risk of heart disease and stroke, as they accumulate in our bodies as fat. One important factor in reducing triglycerides is to get plenty of exercises, in addition to a proper diet, to increase energy expenditure and reduce weight.
  • Lowers blood pressure: Cardio exercise such as jumping on trampolines helps to reduce hypertension. Jumping raises the heart rate, which contributes to the heart muscles becoming more efficient. This helps to reduce blood pressure and prevent life-threatening diseases such as blood clots in the arteries.
  • Prevents the onset of type 2 diabetes: Regular physical activity, such as jumping on trampolines, also prevents the onset of type 2 diabetes. Physical activity has an insulin-like effect, increasing the sensitivity of the cells to insulin, which results in lower blood glucose levels.

Jumping on trampolines prevents cardiovascular diseases - Akrobat


Jumping on trampolines prevents excess weight

According to data gathered by the European Union, more than half of adults are overweight, and problems related to obesity are rapidly becoming more common in most EU Member States. Being overweight is also directly linked to cardiovascular diseases.

A healthy diet and regular physical activity are the best ways to prevent and tackle problems with excessive weight. Jumping on trampolines has an important impact on this process, as it’s an extremely effective calorie-burning activity.


Twenty minutes of jumping

will burn the same number of calories

as running for the same amount of time at 10 km/h.


What’s more, the activity is also the best booster of your metabolism. While jumping, the muscles involved in metabolism are constantly contracting, which helps your body to pass stools faster and thus regulate weight.

Jumping on trampolines prevents excess weight - Akrobat


Jumping on trampolines strengthens the cardiovascular system

Jumping on trampolines also has an important effect on the efficiency and performance of the cardiovascular system, which helps to improve the endurance of the heart. This helps prevent several health problems, including cardiac hypertrophy and high blood pressure, which can lead to heart attack or stroke.

Jumping on trampolines forces our hearts to work faster and at higher loads. We usually feel this as our heart rate rises and blood circulation speeds up during the activity, eventually making our heart muscles stronger and our heart more efficient.

As a result, the heart will pump significantly more blood with fewer beats, which means it will take longer to get tired. The quickest way to tell that cardiovascular health has improved is that your resting heart rate will decrease, and you’ll eventually be able to overcome different types of exertion much more easily and by expending less energy.


Your heart is an important muscle in your body that also needs to be exercised – jumping on trampolines makes this both easy and fun!



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