Much has been written about depression in recent years, given that it is an increasingly common mood disorder among individuals facing various stresses and pressures. The best way to fight depression has therefore become a very popular topic of conversations with family, friends, and acquaintances. Many people believe that physical activity is the answer – and it turns out that trampolining is a very effective therapeutic activity with numerous benefits.
Depression is a mood disorder characterized by sadness, emptiness, helplessness, and hopelessness. People suffering from depression are also irritable, struggle with feelings of guilt, and often feel lonely.
Depression can occur at any age and an increasing number of people are affected by it. Although many people try to ignore it or minimize it, it can lead to serious health complications. Not for nothing is it known as “the plague of our times”.
People combat depression in many different ways. One of the most effective ways has proved to be trampolining, which is an increasingly popular activity. Trampolining is not only fun, it has numerous positive effects on the body – including on its hormonal state.
Studies have shown that the hormonal state of the body is of key importance when it comes to combating depression. An enjoyable activity such as trampolining stimulates the release of specific hormones that contribute to a sense of well-being. These hormones include endorphins, serotonin, adrenaline, and dopamine.
Trampolining is proven to be one of the best activities for improving emotional and mental health. Not only does it trigger the release of “feel-good hormones”, but it also has other significant effects.
Trampolining in pleasant company – with friends or family – further increases the enjoyment. Trampolining is an excellent opportunity to mingle and socialize and a way of forgetting about everyday cares and other anxieties.
You can feel your tension and anxiety slipping away during a trampolining session. Afterward, you feel revitalized and with much more energy for work and your other day-to-day responsibilities.
Since trampolining is an inherently fun activity, it is also an ideal activity for boosting children’s moods:
Just as it does in adults, trampolining triggers the release of endorphins, serotonin, adrenaline, and dopamine in children. Another important factor is that it is an excellent way of diverting children’s attention from their digital devices – the excessive use of which can mean that they lack real friends, which can lead to increased feelings of loneliness and low spirits.
Put up a trampoline in your garden and it will instantly become a real attraction in your neighborhood and the perfect opportunity for your children to spend time having fun exercising with family members or others of their own age. Not only does it provide them with opportunities for socialization, increase their self-confidence, boost their mood and improve their mental state, but it also supplies endless amounts of happiness and joy!