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Trends, Health, Exercise | 4 min read

Why do celebrities love trampoline workouts?

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Famous names who adore trampoline workouts include Madonna, Gwyneth Paltrow, Tony Robbins, Goldie Hawn, and many more. They often post short videos of their workouts on Instagram. But what is it about trampolines that make even the rich and famous use them? Here’s the answer.


Jumping on trampolines brings back lovely childhood memories. But it’s very clear that trampolines aren’t just for children, as they provide a great full-body workout that many celebrities love.Why-celebrities-love-trampoline-workouts-PIC01

Trampoline workouts burn fat

Celebrities and their trainers have figured out that trampoline workouts give excellent results. They burn a lot of fat and strengthen many muscles, so you can see the effects very quickly with just 15 minutes of jumping a day.

Research has shown that, depending on the workout’s intensity and your weight, in just 10 minutes, you burn between 50 and 150 calories. This means that a 45-minute trampoline workout burns 600 calories or more. So how does it work? By jumping up and down repeatedly on a trampoline, your body starts to feel an increase in pressure, so it feels like it weighs up to 3 times heavier. Consequently, you burn more calories – according to research, up to 3 times more than running and 11 times more than walking.

Why-celebrities-love-trampoline-workouts-PIC03Trampoline workouts are a great way to naturally detoxify your body

The lymphatic system with its network of lymph nodes and lymphatic vessels is an important part of your immune system. Its main task is to remove toxins from your body and fight bacteria and infections. But since the lymphatic system doesn’t have a pump of its own, it relies on physical activity to speed up the lymph flow.

A 15-minute trampoline workout stimulates the lymphatic system, because of the effects of gravity when bouncing. Your lymphatic valves open while in the air and close upon contact with the trampoline. This encourages the system to remove toxins from your body.


A trampoline workout is a high-intensity workout, without a negative impact on the joints

Celebrities love high-intensity workouts since they want to stay in shape without spending a lot of time in the gym. Traditional high-intensity workouts burn a lot of fat and improve cardiovascular functions, but because of the constant movements, they can have negative effects on the joints.

But a trampoline workout has no negative effects on the joints, and celebrities know that. Compared to floor exercises the forces involved are much smaller, which means so is the risk of knee, hip, and ankle injury.


Trampoline workouts are addictive

Anyone who’s trained hard will tell you that effective workouts and fun don’t always go together. Is there a simple way to enjoy staying in shape?

According to some of the biggest celebrities, trampoline workouts are both effective and fun! They say it even relaxes them, so they start and finish with a smile. This is because of the release of endorphins, the feel-good hormones. Endorphins make sure you forget your worries and completely relax while you work out.


Trampoline workouts will keep you fit

As you now know, celebrities love trampoline workouts because of the amazing effects that can be achieved very quickly. This means you’ll always be fit, even if you think you don’t have the time.

Trampolines really offer the perfect full-body workout, as they strengthen your leg, gluteal, abdomen, and arm muscles. In just 15 minutes a day, you can always be fit and in shape, feeling as good as you look.

Still, think you can blame your inactivity on a lack of time?

Trampoline workouts have so many benefits, it’s no wonder the rich and famous love to jump. So if you don’t have time for traditional workouts, why not give trampolines a go – you’ll be amazed at the results, and the fun and freedom you’ll feel.



Check out trampolines from Akrobat! They offer tremendous health benefits, long-lasting quality, unpaired performance, and guaranteed safety. And they’re so much fun! >>
